This quote by Mother Theresa reminds us that we can all do something to help those who don't have enough to eat. And we must, because food insecurity is not only a problem abroad in other countries, but also right here in the United States.
Missions targeting food insecurity:
In Franklin County, we waste enough food to feed everyone who is hungry!
1 million lbs wasted...In Franklin County, Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) has identified that over 1 million lbs of food enter the land fill each day, which is enough to feed 250,000 people every day!
18% missing mealsMeanwhile, nearly 1 in 5 (18%),
or ~ 237,000 of our Columbus neighbors are missing needed meals (food insecure). |
9% rise in food insecurityThe projected impact of this is a rise in poverty levels, including a 9.1% rise in food insecurity. We need your help to respond to the increased gap missed meals and support impacted families.
How can you help fight food insecurity?
Businesses:Meal Sponsorship (WeFeed)We're currently supporting Stowe Mission's food pantry, by appealing to local restaurants to provide lunch one day a month to the pantry.
Food Recovery (WeFeed)Do you have excess food during the week? Don't let edible food go to waste! Donate it to a local food pantry or shelter.
Individuals:Donate to a ProjectWe have several projects locally and internationally helping to provide food for those in need. Select a project to learn more or click donate to give!
Weekend Food Sacks Project
Food Recovery (WeFeed)Are you able to volunteer time picking up and routing food to a local pantry or shelter? If so fill our our contact form and we'll connect you with a restaurant who can feed a shelter in need!